Home Parish Pahartoli Catechism Training for the lay adults is held in St. Joseph’s Sub-parish,...

Catechism Training for the lay adults is held in St. Joseph’s Sub-parish, Pahartoli


Archdiocesan Pastoral Service Team, popularly known as PST organized a Catechism Training on the Profession of Faith in St. Joseph’s Sub-parish, Pahartoli, Chattogram. 130 lay adults took part in the day-long training program.

Archdiocesan Pastoral Coordinator Mr. Manik Willver D’Costa was the trainer in the

During the Training Session

program. The program began with a short prayer led by the Priest in Charge Rev. Fr. Michael Roy followed by three sessions before the lunch on themes: ‘Holy Trinity- God the Father- Creation & Fall’, ‘God the Son’ and ‘God the Spirit. Two sessions were conducted after the lunch on ‘Holy Catholic Church- Communion of Saints’ and ‘Forgiveness of Sins- Resurrection of the Body- Eternal Life’.

PST member Flevian D’Costa and Fr. Michael Roy animated the participants with a few ice-breaking action songs during the day-long training. Before closing the training participants spontaneously expressed their feelings on the participation and proposed continuation of the adult catechism training regularly.

Participants took part in a Eucharistic celebration which ended the training.

“The catechisms I have learnt today were the first ever in my lifetime. I don’t think our parents or grandparents had the opportunity to receive catechism training of this kind in their time! We recite the profession of faith during the Sunday masses but never realized what we proclaim regularly. I regret that I am attending this at this age if I were receiving this when I was younger. I am feeling like something is burning inside me which I hope will last forever and help me to educate my children and society whom I encounter.” – Mathias Gomes, Retired Teacher, St. Xavier’s School, Pahartoli, Chattogram.

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