‘Chattogram Archdiocesan Youth Day 2023’- A Joyful Journey with Jesus


‘Meghla’ is one of the busy tourist spot in Bandarban. Everyday many people come to visit this tourist spot to enjoy the beauty of nature. But on 23rd April 2023 the tourists also witnessed a beautiful scenario- ‘hundreds of youths praising in the name of Jesus.’ These were the youths participating in the Chattogram Archdiocesan Youth Day 2023 which held in Bandarban from 21-25 April 2023.

‘Mary arose and went with haste’ based on this verse from the Bible, 140 youths made a joyful journey of 4 days in learning, worship, meditation, life sharing and friendship. The celebration set off with the installation of the youth cross which is the center of the youth day. The opening mass was offered by Chattogram Archdiocesan finance & admin director- Fr. Pankaj Ignatius Pereira. In the opening ceremony there were also present- the secretary & pastoral coordinator Mr. Manik Willver D’Costa, youth coordinator Mr. Mickey Paul Gonsalves, headmaster of Don Bosco High School- Bro. Albert Ratna, CSC, office secretary of episcopal youth commission- Sr. Champa Rozario and other SMRA sisters from the Bandarban parish.

During the celebration there were sharing on different topics such as ‘Our Journey to Emmaus with Christ’ by Mr. Manik Willver D’Costa; ‘Sweetness of friendship refreshes the soul (Proverbs 27:9)’ by Mr. Mickey Paul Gonsalves; ‘Mary arose and went with haste (Luke 1:39)’ by Archbishop Lawrence Subrato Howlader, CSC; ‘Career Guidance’ by Bro. Sabuj Bala, CSC and Mr. Paul Raphael Gomes.

On the 3rd day of the program the youths went on an exposure divided in two groups. They went to two different villages under Bandarban parish and participated in the Sunday mass with the local villagers. After the mass they exchanged thoughts, enjoyed cultural presentations by the villagers, visited their homes and then the two groups met in a tourist spot called ‘Meghla.’

Archbishop Subrato Howlader, CSC offered the closing mass and was present in the closing ceremony. The joyful celebration came to an end with a blissful cultural ceremony by the participants.


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