Post SSC Human & Christian Formation Course is held in Bandarban parish with the participation of 96 students on 15-22 March. The main topics and the resource persons of the course were: ‘Introduction to the Holy Bible’- Mr. Robi Christopher D’Costa; ‘Media: witnessing faith & challenges’- Bro. Ujjal Pereira, CSC; ‘Morality & Consciences’- Bro. Sylvester Mridha, CSC; ‘Holy Sacrament’- Fr. Dominic Sarkar, CSC; ‘Experiencing God’s mercy in family’- Fr. Leonard C. Rebeiro; ‘Personality development’ – Bro. Ripon Gomes, CSC; ‘Career Guidance’ – Mr. Manik Willver D’Costa; ‘Adolescence’- Mr. Leonard Pintu Dias & Mrs. Jascinta Das.

Moreover, there were other co-curricular activities besides these topics. Participants experienced their first speech before an audience through extemporal speech & debate competition. They participated in many other competitions such as Drama, Wall magazine, Bible Quiz, General Knowledge etc.
Sagar Tripura, one of the participants said that it was a great experiencing for him getting acquainted with so many boys and girls of his age from different parishes of the diocese. He acquired much knowledge & gained such valuable experiences that he might never able to get from somewhere else. Most important of all he explored some hidden qualities in himself and felt the inspiration to use those qualities for the church and the society.

On 22nd March the course came to an end through a retreat, closing mass and a closing ceremony. The closing mass was offered by the Bishop of Chittagong Most Rev. Moses. M. Costa, csc. He was also present in the closing ceremony and distributed certificates and prizes among the participants.
Post SSC Human and Christian Formation Course is a regular program of Diocesan Youth Commission which aims to guide students for future life in the transition period of leaving high school and entering into college.