Leadership Training for the Community Leaders took place on 17-21 September 2022 in

FIAT Pastoral Centre, Bandarban Hill District. Diocesan Pastoral Service Team organized the event and it was participated by 34 community leaders popularly known as para karbari from the selected six parishes (Bandarban, Thanchi, Bolipara, Alikadam and Lama) of Chattogram archdiocese.
The first day of the program was dedicated to the open discussion of the community leaders with the prelate of the diocese Archbishop Lawrence Subrato Howlader CSC, member of the diocesan college of consultors and pastor of Bandarban hill parish Fr Binoy S. Gomes CSC and diocesan financial administrator Fr Pankaj Ignatius Pereira. The focus of the open discussion was pastoral and missionary approach, education and health care apostolate.
The subject areas of the leadership training were ‘Introduction of the local Church in Chattogram Hill Tracts pastoral region’ by diocesan development coordinator Mr Mickey Paul Gonsalves, ‘Education apostolate in Chattogram Hill Tracts: Community School apostolate’ by Caritas Education Project in charge Mr Clement Lincoln Gomes, ‘Education apostolate in Chattogram Hill Tracts: Hostel apostolate’ by diocesan financial administrator Fr Pankaj Ignatius Pereira, ‘Education apostolate in Chattogram Hill Tracts: School apostolate’ by Diocesan Education Commission co-coordinator & Don Bosco School headmaster Bro Albert Ratna CSC, ‘Sacramental life in the community-based Churches: Reality and measures’ by Thanchi parish pastor Fr Nicholas Nokrek CSC, ‘Constitutional rights and laws of the indigenous people’ by Bandarban Judges Court practitioner Advocate Ubathoai Marma, ‘Advocacy and networking with the GO and NGOs for the development of community’ by Caritas program officer Ms Rupna Das, ‘Economic sustainability of community through skill development and self employment’ by Ms Das, and ‘Community based credit union movement’ by CCULB Ltd. Chattogram district manager Cha Zan Aung. After each presentation participants had the opportunity to question the resource persons for better clarification.
Resource Team Members:
- Abp. Lawrence S. Howlader CSC
- Adv Ubathoai Marma, Bandarban
- Bro Albert Ranta CSC, Don Bosco School
- Fr Anthony Pronoy Gomes CSC, PST
- Fr Binoy S Gomes CSC, Bandarban
- Fr Nicholas Nokrek CSC, Thanchi
- Fr Pankaj Ignatius Pereira, Diocesan Curia
- Mr Cha Zan Aung, Chattogram
- Mr Francis Tripura, PST
- Mr Lincoln Gomes, Caritas Chattogram
- Mr Manik W. D’Costa, PST
- Mr Mickey Paul Gonsalves, PST
- Mr. Brinda Tripura, Thanchi
- Ms Rupna Das, Caritas Chattogram