Flavian D'Costa
Member, Pastoral Service Team, 
Chattogram Archdiocese, 

A Lenten Retreat and Healing Prayer was held at Our Lady of Immaculate Conception, Jamalkhan church on 1st April 2022 based on the theme ‘Passion and Death of Jesus’. Rev Fr. Srijon, S.J conducted the retreat and healing prayer. Also present were the parish priest Fr. Terence Rodrigues, Two SVD (Society of the Divine Word) priests Fr. Devashrop Kujur and Fr. Justin Thomas who recently arrived in Jamalkhan parish from India for missionary service. This special conference was participated by more than 200 Christian laypeople. In the retreat there was a heart touching presentation by Fr. Srijon, S.J.  followed by way of the cross and Holy mass. Participants also received the confession sacrament during the retreat.

Mrs. Marilyn Dias- one of the participants expressed his joy after the retreat program for being able to spend a spiritual day. She also urged that this kind of retreat program should be arranged regularly for the spiritual development of the parishioners.


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