May Day 2017 Chittagong ArchdioceseThe employers in the world can only pay us the just wages or give us honor in the world. But the master Jesus Christ will reward us inheritance in the eternity. So when we work, we not only work for our employer but also work for our master Jesus Christ. This idea gives a new quality in the service of laity. Pastoral Coordinator of Chittagong Archdiocese Mr. Manik Willver D’Costa shared the above statement while delivering his keynote speech in the seminar arranged by the Archdiocesan Migrant Desk in order to observe the glorious May Day. The seminar May Day 2017 Chittagong Archdiocesewas based on the theme: “It is the Lord Christ you are serving. (Col 3: 24b)”

Mr. Manik also mentioned that, when we work, we need to work full time. We cannot steal time from the employer as the master Jesus Christ is seeing everything and every moment we do and we live. Also there is no part time Christian or layman. All the Christians should be full time. But obviously there is layman who has ‘laid’ down their job!

May Day 2017 Chittagong ArchdioceseThe seminar was opened by the welcoming speech of the coordinator of migrant desk Sr. Zita Rema, SSMI. Fr. Jerome Gomes- member of the migrant desk and Mr. Robindro Jacob Tripura- staff of World Vision Karnafully Urban ADP were also present in the opening ceremony. The seminar ended with a Holy mass offered by the asst. priest of Cathedral Fr. Augustine Gregory.
The seminar was financed by World Vision Karnafully Urban ADP and was assisted by The Chittagong Archdiocesan Pastoral Service Team. Total of 75 persons participated in the seminar.


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