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Post HSC students’ workshop 2023

Post HSC students workshop 2023

Only 0.3% of the 160 million people of Bangladesh are Christians. More than 91% of the population are Muslim and 8% are Hindu. The remaining 1% are comprised of other religions. Even the number of Buddhists people are almost double the number of Christians in this country.  In the midst of other religions the Christians are living like the salt- few in numbers but very visible through their services in different fields. But living among other dominating religious communities, today’s young Catholics are facing many challenges in their faith life. The challenges come not only from other religious communities but also from other Christian denominations. Many questions arise in the mind of the young generation regarding the Catholic faith and traditions.

In order to find the answers of such questions and to strengthen their Catholic faith 22 young people attended the POST HSC students’ workshop held in Fiat Pastoral Center, Bandarban from 19-23 October 2023. These young people just finished their final public exam in school life which is called ‘Higher Secondary School Certificate(HSC) exam.’

Three topics were discussed in the workshop. Each topic had four sessions: experiencing the reality, panel sharing, bible reflection and action plan. The topics and the resource persons were: Living life with Christian Faith- Fr. Jerry S. Gomes, SJ; Responsibility of Young people towards church and family- Fr. Pankaj Pereira; Building career to serve the people- Mr. Mickey Paul Gonsalves. Archbishop Lawrence Subrato Howlader, CSC offered the concluding mass of the workshop. The workshop came to end with a colorful cultural program and prize giving ceremony.



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