Post SSC Human & Christian Formation Course is organized in Bandarban Pastoral Center with the participation of 80 students on 15-22 March. The main topics and the resource persons of the course are: ‘Introduction to the Holy Bible’- Mr. Robi Christopher D’Costa; ‘Christian Believe’ – Mr. Manik Willver D’Costa; ‘Morality & Consciences’- Bro. Leo J Pereira, csc; ‘Constitution of the Church’ – Fr. Pankaj Pereira, csc; ‘Career Guidance’ – Mr. Mickey Paul Gonsalves; ‘Adolescence’- Mr. Leonard Pintu Dias & Mrs. Jascinta Das. Archbishop of Chittagong Archdiocese His Grace Moses M. Costa, csc shared on the introduction of Chittagong Archdiocese. He suggested that the Christian youths should posses 3 qualities. Those are: sense of condolence; volunteerism and . Through which youths can be successful in their life and contribute in the society as well.
Moreover, there were many other co-curricular activities besides these topics. Participants experienced their first speech before an audience through extemporal speech & debate competition. They participated in many other competitions such as Drama, Wall magazine, Bible Quiz, General Knowledge etc.
On 22th March the course came to an end through a retreat, closing mass and a closing ceremony. The closing mass was offered by the Archbishop of Chittagong- Most Rev. Moses. M. Costa, csc. He was also present in the closing ceremony and distributed certificates and prizes among the participants. It is to be noted that this course is organized every year by the children & youth commission of the diocese in order to guide the SSC students who’s just stepping into the youth for taking better decisions in life.