Post SSC Human & Christian Formation Course is a regular activity of youth commission. Likewise every year the program took place in Bandarban organized by Chattogram Archdiocesan Youth Commission from 05-12 June 2023. Total 126 boys and girls from 11 parish and 2 quasi parish of the diocese participated in the program and achieved a life changing experience.

During the program the participants were not allowed to use their cell phones which was a challenging task for them because of the excessive dependence on smart phones nowadays. But the program offered so much interesting activities that the participants eventually forgot about their phones. All the participants were divided among 9 teams and they participated in various learning sessions and co-curricular activities such as extemporal speech, general knowledge competition, Wall magazine competition, drama competition etc. They also participated in daily chores such washing dishes, conducting sessions, preparing session rooms, cleaning the premises, preparing the liturgy etc.

The subject matters and resource persons of the learning sessions were: ‘Profession of Faith’- Fr. Pankaj Pereira; ‘Counseling’-  Fr. Iliash Sarkar, SJ; ‘Adolescense’- Sr. Nita Rozario, CSC and Dr. Dipankar Dey; ‘Introduction to Holy Bible’- Mr Manik Willver D’Costa; ‘Holy Sacrament’- Sr. Mamata Palma, LHC; ‘Personality development’- Bro Nirmal Francis Gomes. ‘Holy Cross Family Rosary Ministry’- Fr. Binoy Gomes, CSC. This year the career guidance session was facilitated by various persons from different profession such as Mr. Steve D’Rozario shared on general education; Mr. Suprio Halder shared on vocational education; Mr. Paul Raphael Gomes shared on outsourcing, Mr. Mary Costa shared on Nursing profession, Mr. Flevian D’Costa presented some information on armed forces and Fr. Sadhon Augustine Gregory shared on vocation in priestly and religious life.

During the program the participants experienced different kinds of prayer such as rosary prayer, Taize prayer, Holy hour etc. In order to freshen the mind of the participants, there was an exposure day during which the participants visited two famous tourist spots of Bandarban- Meghla and Nilachol. The participants also had an hour to play some outdoor games which enabled them to bond well.

On the final day Jesuit priest Fr. Jerry Gomes conducted a recollection session to guide the students in a spiritual journey. All the participants received sacrament of reconciliation afterwards. The closing mass was offered by the Vicar General of Chattogram Archdiocese- Fr. Terence Rodrigues. In the closing ceremony the guests distributed certificates among all the participants and also gifts to the winners of various competitions. The program was concluded with a cultural ceremony presented by the participants.


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