Reception to High School Graduates Diang 2016
Reception to High School Graduates Diang 2016

It was first ever at Diang parish that such a big number Christian students passed SSC exam. 17 Christian students sat for the SSC exam and all passed. It became a history. It is after a long time that a large number and all passed. Congratulations! Overwhelm with joy, the parish priest of Diang arranged ad reception for these students on May 13, 2016 after the 4.30 pm Mass was over. The students were welcomed while entering the parish hall, the first in the queue with lighted candle under the foot of BVM and they spent few moments in

High School Graudates Diang 2016
High School Graudates Diang 2016

silence and prayer. Alvi Dias a prominent little leader of grade VIII, welcomed the successful students and audience. Then bouquet of flowers was presented to all the successful students. The program was decorated with creative items such as inspiring words from Sr. Eugenia and Juliet, a parishioner and guardian of the students. There were lively songs, dances and most entertaining dance by the Holy Childhood Societies children. All enjoyed the program and felt something great of it. The parish priest presented some

High School Graduates Diang 2016
High School Graduates Diang 2016

gifts to the successful students. Asha Quiah and Robin D’Silva expressed their joy for organizing such a wonderful and meaningful program. They thanked almighty God. Both expressed their gratitude to the parish priest for organizing this beautiful program. The program ended with high tea-party shared by 150 people.


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