Home Diocesan “Saint Anthony’s Relic- from Padua to Chittagong!”

“Saint Anthony’s Relic- from Padua to Chittagong!”

A pilgrim touching St. Anthony's Relic for Blessings

from left Fr. Alesandro and Fr. Paulo with St. Anthony's RelicFr. Alesandro and Fr. Paulo, 2 Augustinian Priest from Padua, Italy came to Bangladesh carrying a part (tongue) of Saint Anthony who is known as a miraculous saint because of his remarkable works for the poor and needy in his lifetime. This miraculous tongue of Saint Antonio spoke the Word of the Lord throughout it’s lifetime. It is now placed in the center of a Golden statue (St Anthony holding the Child Jesus).The Relic of St Anthony being carried to the Altar by Priests

This Statue is brought to Bangladesh on 2nd of February, 2017. After placing in different churches of The Archdiocese of Dhaka including Nagori where every year thousands of pilgrims gather in the name of St. Anthony it was brought to The Archdiocese of Chittagong on 4th February, 2017. People Started to gather in the Cathedral from 8 in the morning. The Relic reached the Archbishop Moses Costa, csc placing the relic of St Anthony in the AltarCathedral at 9.30 am. It was carried into the Church where the holly mass took place. After the Mass pilgrims of all ages took the
blessings of St. Anthony by touching the relic while there was adoration run by the choir. The relic was placed in the Cathedral till 1 pm and then the Priests from Padua left for Mymensingh.

Pilgrims in line to touch the relic of St. Anthony

It is to be noted that Saint Anthony was born on 1195 in Lisbon- The capital of Portugal. At the age of 16 he joined the congregation of Saint Augustine. In his lifetime he spoke for the poor and did many miracles by the grace of Jesus Christ.

Click here for the Photo Gallery of the Pilgrimage



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