Fr. Bikash Rebeiro, csc

Shanti Raj Parish, situated in the Thanchi Upazilla of Chittagong Hill Tracts celebrated the Tripura Nobanno festival on 30 October with the participation of around 2000 local tribal people. Nobanno festival is celebrated during the harvesting time of the year and this festival is called ‘Maikta Chana Panda’ in Tripura Tribe. State Minister for Chittagong Hill Tracts Mr. Bir Bahadur U Shoi Shing, MP was present in the program as the chief guest. Many other government officials, teachers, local leaders, karbari, different N.G.O officials were also present in the celebration. The Theme of the program was: ‘Beauty in the unity of the Tripura Tribe.’ Fr. Binoy Gomes, csc, assistant parish priest of Thanchi blessed the new crops and Parish priest of Thanchi- Fr. Bikash Rebeiro, csc presided over the ceremony.


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