Our Lady of Holy Rosary Cathedral Church is the center of the 11 parishes of Chittagong Archdiocese. After the Annual Pastoral Assembly held in Bandarban from 18-20 January 2018 based on the theme- Pilgrimage of faith in 500 years: Heritage- Celebration- Renewal’ Cathedral Parish is the first to organize a pastoral assembly in the parish level with the same theme.

Cathedral parish is divided into 12 small christian community/ wards covering a vast area of Chittagong City Corporation. The assembly was held with the representation from all the wards on 23rd February 2018 and was participated by 70 parishioners including priest, religious and laity. The assembly had three important sessions.

In 1st session representatives from every wards presented the activities of the previous pastoral year based on: ‘My Parish, My Joy’. After a general discussion on the activities Mr. Manik Willver D’Costa- Archdiocesan pastoral coordinator presented through power point the historical background of Christianity in Chittagong; the developments and achievements in this journey of 500 years and a call for renewal in the faith and mission works. After the presentation the participants discussed in the groups to make a action plan for this year of mission.