‘Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand.’ (Mathew 13:13)

Opening Prayer
Opening Prayer

Young Christian Students’ (YCS) movement enables the young students to observe rather than just seeing, to think rather than only hearing and to act instead of complaining. See-Judge-Act is a Catholic action which is also the foundation of YCS movement. Young people gather in the cell meetings to practice this concept which makes them aware of their life and surrounding society.

There are several YCS cells in Chittagong Archdiocese. Saint Placid’s School & College, Saint Scholastica’s School & College and Miriam Ahsram School have active YCS cells. On 27 July 2018, Archdiocesan Youth Commission organized a YCS Gathering with a view to revive the activities in the cells and to encourage the students to follow ideal procedures of a cell meeting.

Mr. Manik D'Costa sharing on the ideal cell meeting
Mr. Manik D’Costa sharing on the ideal cell meeting
Bro. Rinku L. Costa receiving gift from a participant
Bro. Rinku L. Costa receiving gift from a participant

‘Ideal Leader, Powerful YCS’ based on this theme the seminar started with a short prayer. Chittagong Archdiocesan Youth Coordinator Bro. Rinku L. Costa shared on History, Goals & Objective of YCS Movement. Mr. Manik Willver D’Costa, the writer of the YCS handbook which is followed as the guideline for cell meetings in whole Bangladesh presented paper on ideal cell meeting methodology. He also conducted a practical cell meeting with some of the participants while others observed. 85 students from three different schools who participated in the seminar were all very enthusiastic in different group works and tasks. The Seminar ended with a holy mass offered by Archdiocesan Financial Administrator Fr. Pankaj Pereira.

Students doing creative works in the cell meeting
Students doing creative works in the cell meeting
Practical Cell Meeting
Practical Cell Meeting


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