Funeral Ceremony of Archbh
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volunteers helping the visitors maintaining Covid-19 health regulations
Funeral of Archbishop Moses M. Costa, CSC
volunteers helping the visitors maintaining Covid-19 health regulations
Funeral of Archbishop Moses M. Costa, CSC
people of all ages paying respect to late abp Moses Costa, CSC
Funeral of Archbishop Moses M. Costa, CSC
Due to covid-19 pandemic many health regulations had to be followed
Funeral of Archbishop Moses M. Costa, CSC
Bishop of Rajshahi Most Rev. Gervas Rozrio paying respect to late archbishop moses
Funeral of Archbishop Moses M. Costa, CSC
Priests taking the body abp moses inside the Cathedral for funeral mass
Funeral of Archbishop Moses M. Costa, CSC
Cardinal Patrick addresing the faithful present in the Cathedral for abp moses's funeral
Funeral of Archbishop Moses M. Costa, CSC
bishop's and priest present in abp moses's funeral service in the cathedral
Funeral of Archbishop Moses M. Costa, CSC