Home Parish Lama Missionaries of Charity sisters’ charitable medical service reaches in hilly parish Lama

Missionaries of Charity sisters’ charitable medical service reaches in hilly parish Lama

Medical service in Lama, MC sisters are distributing free medicine
Medical service in Lama, MC sisters are distributing free medicine
Reported by: Father Samar Dango, OMI

Missionaries of Charity sisters from Chittagong visited Lama parish in Chittagong hill tracts to provide charitable medical service from 17 to 20 February 2017. A volunteer doctor accompanied MC sisters as well. Sisters visited 13 paras (CHT villages), examined patients and distributed free medicine to the poor and vulnerable people.

Medical service in Lama, Doctor is doing health check-up in the hostel
Medical service in Lama, Doctor is doing health check-up in the hostel
Medical service in Lama, Doctor is examining patients
Medical service in Lama, Doctor is examining patients



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