A seminar on women’s general health, gender inequality and prevention of child marriage took place in Sotichandrapara under Chattogram Hill Tracts parish of Our Lady of the Presentation, Bolipara on 12 November 2022. 80 women and young girls participated in the program.
Participating in the seminar I have learnt about the women rights and roles, nurtering our children’s physical and mental health, and adapting with our nature and environment, said Sumi Tripura who is a housewife participated in the program.

The subject areas and resource persons were 1. Child development and our role- Sr. Bristy, RNDM, 2. Our role to preserve the nature and environment- Fr. Hori Macario Das, CSC, 3. Gender inequality and our role- Ms. Surjodevi Tripura, 4. Cleanliness in our everyday life- Mr. Gabriel Tripura.