Tag: Marian Pilgrimage
A Journey of Faith: Exploring the Marian Pilgrimage 2024 in Diang
The 49th Annual Marian Pilgrimage was held in Diang on 8-9 February 2024. The theme of the pilgrimage was – 'Request of our Mother:...
Thousands of pilgrims gathered in Diang for the Marian Pilgrimage 2022.
Desk Report
His Holiness Pope Francis called the Church to journey together so that the Church renews
Her identity as the communion of the communities. To...
Annual Marian Pilgrimage took place at Tongojhiripara, Lama
Annual Marian pilgrimage took place at Tongojhiripara under Lama parish on 24-25 October 2019. More than six hundred pilgrims participated in the pilgrimage from...
Tongojhiri Para of Lama Parish declared as the Second Pilgrim spot...
Lama is one of the 7 parishes of Chittagong Hill Tracts. Presently there are almost 2000 Catholics living scattered in 25 villages of Lama...
Miriam Pilgrimage Held in Lama Parish for the First Time
Mr. Khuntairai Francis Tripura
A Miriam Pilgrimage took place in the Tongujhiri Para of Lama Parish on 14-15 October which reflected the theme: ‘Mother Mary-...
Annual Marian Pilgrimage 2016, Diang- Multimedia Production