Our Lady of Fatima Catholic parish in Bandarban organized a Youth Seminar in the parish hall room on Monday, 26th March 2018. Holy Cross pastor of the parish Rev. Dominic Sarkar conducted the seminar in which 88 youth participated.

Director (Finance & Admin) of Chittagong archdiocese Rev. Pankaj Ignatius Pereira, who is a diocesan priest of Chittagong and a countrywide prominent Catholic youth animator presented the key-note speech on topic “Heritage- Celebration- Renewal: Youth Perspective”. Participants also took part in open discussion. They have tried to get many faith questions answered.

This is to note that 2018 is the fifth centenary jubilee year of evangelization in Chittagong. The year is opened on 2nd Sunday of the Advent, 10 December 2017. The pastoral theme for reflection is set to “Pilgrimage of faith in 500 years: Heritage- Celebration- Renewal”. The program in Bandarban was aimed to carry out the message of the jubilee year to the parish youth.