First ever training of trainers on catechesis was held in Chattogram Archdiocese on 15-21 February 2023 in Fiat Pastoral Centre, Bandarban. The training aimed to prepare a few trainers on the lenten catechism so that they may conduct parish-level lenten seminars with confidence

Group of trainees preparing for the practical presentation
Group of trainees preparing for the practical presentation

and accuracy. Some selected 20 catechists and prayer leaders participated in the event whom the parish teams nominated for their potential qualities as future trainers. Pastoral service team organized the program and its secretary Francis Tripura was in lead to execute.

The program was designed in such a way that the trainees received input on a single topic in 4 sessions during the morning accompanied by two open discussions, prepared in groups to conduct dummy classes on the same topic in the afternoon, and presented sessions in front of all the trainees. Each and every trainee had to conduct sessions and their presentations were assessed by the expertise. Besides, they had to sit for the written

A trainee is conducting session
A trainee is conducting session

exam as well. Only the 8 trainees qualified both in the practical and written assessment and were awarded certificates who were also declared qualified trainers to conduct lenten catechism sessions at the parish level programs. In mid of the program, the resource team members and the trainees had half a day outing in the famous tourist spots of Bandarban ‘Meghla’ and ‘Neelachol’. Daily liturgical hymn classes were also conducted for the trainees to teach them Holy Week hymns.

The topics taught and the resource persons respectively were as follows.

Resource Persons
(From left to right) Manik Willver D’Costa, Fr. Pankaj Ignatius Pereira, Sr. Mamata Palma, LHC, Fr. Sumon Peter Costa, CSC, Fr. Regan Clement D’Costa

a) Lenten season in the Catechism of the Catholic Church and its significance, b) All about the lent- Manik Willver D’Costa, Pastoral Coordinator, Chattogram Archdiocese; c) The significance of the liturgy of the Holy Week- Fr. Pankaj Ignatius Pereira, Director (Finance & Admin), Chattogram Archdiocese; d) The significance of the Ash Wednesday- Fr. Sumon Peter Costa, CSC- Asst. Pastoral Coordinator, Chattogram Archdiocese & In-charge, Fiat

Qualified trainees awarded certificates
Qualified trainees awarded certificates

Pastoral Centre; e) The significance of Holy Thursday- Sr. Mamata Palma LHC, Trainer in PST; f) The significance of the Good Friday, g) The significance of the Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday- Fr. Regan Clement D’Costa, Parish Priest of the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, Chattogram.

The program ended with a Eucharistic Celebration sacrificed by the pastor of Fatima Rani Parish, Bandarban Rev. Binoy S. Gomes, CSC.


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